Issues (I)
Moderators: K. Priftis – K. Douros
Acute airway obstruction: Pathophysiology and treatment
A. Chatzis
Probing of chronic productive cough
G. Koltsida
Urticaria and anaphylaxis in the paediatrician ́s office
S. Giavi
10.50-12.30 4th SESSION
Round Table
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Moderator: E. Roma
Introduction to functional gastrointestinal disorders in children: Classification, frequency and risk factors
G. Chouliaras
Functional disorders that manifest with nausea and vomiting
E. Karanika
Functional disorders that manifest with abdominal pain as the main symptom
S. Fessatou
Functional disorders in infants: colics, postprandial vomiting, dyschesia
M. Rogalidou
12.30-12.50 Coffee Break
12.50-14.00 5th SESSION
Common Heart Problems
Moderator: D. Georgakopoulos
Arrhythmias in childhood and their treatment
A. Kontogeorgis
Paediatric Cardiology and prevention: From prenatal testing to pre-athletic tests
S. Koulouri
Guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of arterial blood pressure
E. Bei
14.00-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-17.10 6th SESSION
Specialized Paediatric Issues of Practical Interest (I)
Moderators: D. Zarganis – A. Zacharodimos
When body defense mechanisms are deemed inefficient and how does the paediatrician proceeds diagnostically
M. Tzanoudaki
Protocol of imaging control in infants with urinary tract infection
F. Komianou
Latent hyperenzymemias and their clinical importance
I. Kanavaki
Presymptomatic screening for diabetes
D. Papadimitriou
Colonization of S. Aureus and relapsing skin infections
A. Alexopoulos
17.00-17.30 Coffee Break
17.30-19.40 7th SESSION
Specialized Paediatric Issues of Practical Interest (II)
Moderators: F. Sarifi – A. Fretzagias
Acute and chronic lymphadenopathy
F. Tzifi
Vulvovaginitis in childhood and adolescence
A. Delivelioti
Daily needs, exaggerations and danger from the administration of vitamins and trace elements
G. Papageorgiou
Nutritional principles for the treatment of obesity
I. Chryssou
Learning disabilities in childhood, warning signs
A. Sofianou
When is the referral to a speech therapist is deemed necessary?
E. Koudoumnaki
19.30-19.40 Discussion – End of the Conference